SOYER & SOYER: a law firm based in Paris
78, Avenue Raymond Poincaré, 75016 Paris
Tel: +33 1 49 54 90 00
Statutory information
The website www.soyer-avocats.com is published by:
– Cabinet SOYER & SOYER
– Société d’Exercice Libéral à Responsabilité Limitée registered with the Paris Bar and the Registry of Trade and Companies of Paris under No. 809 684 608
– Registered office: 78, Avenue Raymond Poincaré 75016 PARIS
– Letter box number at the Court: Palais C0596
– Phone number: +33-1 49 54 90 00
– The Director of publication is: Maître Thibault Soyer
– The website host is: OVH / 2, rue Kellermann / 59100 Roubaix – France / Téléphone : 0 820 698 765.
– Website: AFW Rodolphe Métayer
– Project management / editorial: Nathalie de Lapparent
– Photographs and icons: Cabinet Soyer & Soyer ; Fotolia ; Font Awesome